Servings Per Verse: Unknown
This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith.
This, (the preaching of the grace of God in salvation; the drawing Jew and Gentile into a union with God through the work of Christ; and the proclamation of the riches of Christ to the heathen), was the eternal purpose of God which is executed in the gift of God through Christ. The result? Believers in Christ can boldly come to God by faith.
As residents of planet earth, we are accustomed to temporary existence. We live in a world where things expire. Our foods have a shelf life, our purchases have limited warranties, and the words, "lifetime guarantee" may be translated, "until you lose your proof of purchase receipt." We are forced to think of a date of beginning and a date of expiration. Even our bodies have a beginning and an end. Enter the words "eternal purpose." What do such words mean to a temporal world. The words are "other world" terms, "outside our world" concepts. The word "eternal" in our text, (Gk. "aion"), brings into view a purpose God initiated that will have no end (eternity future). However, in II Corinthians 4:18 Paul used the word eternal to suggest a privileged focus on things without beginning and without end? It is hard for us to imagine, yet Paul declares that God has an eternal purpose in mind - a purpose that includes our lives (which we think of as temporal). Paul's use of the word "eternal" requires the reader to make a II Corinthians 4:18 adjustment:
"because I do not keep my eyes on things that are seen but things that are unseen. For things that are seen are temporary, but things that are unseen are eternal." (Williams translation).
If you are focused on the things which are seen with the physical eye, you will only see the temporal, but if you are focused on things not seen, you can begin to think with a mind that brings the eternal into view. What should we see in the eternal, what should come into view? As we exercise our privilege to consider the reality of the eternal purpose of God, we will see ourselves wrapped up in a union with Christ, who had no beginning and will have no end. In this eternal state of blessing we are invited to come before God, not as aliens with temporary passes, but as children with bold access. We are not viewed as unacceptable invaders without rights, we are children who are to feel at home before the Father. We do not have eternal passes, we have an eternal position! Our eternal identity is in Christ. Praise God and the Lamb forever! Because of Christ, the believer has eternal position and bold access before the throne of God. Make the II Corinthian 4:18 adjustment to your thinking today and enjoy the blessings of God's grace gifts through Christ.
"His banner over us is love, Our sword the Word of God; We tread the road of the saints above With shouts of triumph trod; By faith they, like a whirl-wind's breath, Swept over every field; The faith by which they conquered death Is still our shinning shield. Faith is the victory, Oh glorious victory that overcomes the world"
Hymn "Faith Is the Victory" Ira Sankey, 1840-1908.
INGREDIENTS: The joy of being in God's eternal purpose. Word Study: "He planned it through the ages and then did it in Christ Jesus, our Lord. In Him, by believing in Him, we have confidence and can boldly come to God." _ Beck Translation.
*ESV- English Standard Version; ETS- Essence of the Text in a Sentence; DTFTD- Devotional Thought For The Day; EDS- Essence of the Devotional in a Sentence.