Servings Per Verse: Unknown
When you read this, you can perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ.
Reading this letter, you are being made aware of what has been revealed to me about the secret of Christ.
Paul's letter to the Ephesians was a written explanation of the revelation he had received concerning the application of the work of Christ. The "truth," or "mystery" of Christ was that his sacrifice for sin was not limited to the Jew, but was for the Gentile as well. The disciples of Jesus heard Him say, "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold" (Jn 10:16), and ". . .if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me" (Jn. 12:32). Such words were hints of the mystery and no one asked Jesus to explain. The inclusion of the Gentile in the blessings of the family of God was not a thought in the mind of the disciples of Christ. It took some time for the Jewish disciples to understand the full impact of Jesus' words, "Go and teach all nations. . . "(Matt. 28:19). Preach to the Gentiles? The apostle Paul, who was most qualified to preach to the Jew, was actually called to preach to the Gentile. Confusing? Yes, until the revelation was given to him. Paul was brought to understand the mystery of Christ. He understood that Christ was the fulfillment of the law for all who believe, Jew and Gentile (Rom. 10:4). Paul came to see the mystery in summary: One with Christ and one in Christ. When a person becomes one with Christ, having all the benefits of Jesus' holiness, that person becomes one in Christ with all other believers. The mystery is that of unity with Christ and all believers.
The Jew / Gentile issue of the New Testament times may not as much of a hot potato issue today as it was for believers in Paul's day; however, there is an emphasis for current application. The mystery, (One with Christ, One in Christ), says to the church of all generations to be expressive of the love, unity and harmony in Jesus. The church is a family of faith where people from all walks of life come together as one in Christ. When bikers and cowboys, truckers and doctors, carpenters and engineers, fishermen and pilots,- people from all walks of life meet as one in Christ, the world will know there is something mysterious going on. We might even be asked to explain. Our answer will be Paul's message - Christ!
"I am a stranger here, within a foreign land; My home is far away, upon a golden strand; Ambassador to be of realms beyond the sea, I'm here on business for my King. This is the message that I bring, A message angels fain would sing: 'Oh, be ye reconciled,' Thus saith my Lord and King, 'Oh, be ye reconciled to God.' "
Hymn "The King's Business,"
Flora Cassel, 1852-1911.
INGREDIENTS: The mystery of Christ. Word Study: The word translated "mystery" in the ESV is translated "secret" in the Williams translation, and "hidden truth" in the Beck translation.
*ESV- English Standard Version; ETS- Essence of the Text in a Sentence; DTFTD- Devotional Thought For The Day; EDS- Essence of the Devotional in a Sentence.