Servings Per Verse: Unknown
ESV:having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints,
By the Spirit who works understanding into your minds and hearts, may you grow in expectation of all things promised in Christ, (being thereby assured of God's call on your life), and may your heart begin to take hold of the value and wealth God has place on his glory in your redemption through the sacrifice of His Son (a glory referred to as His inheritance in the saints).
When the Ephesian believers were brought into the realm of Paul's prayer life they knew his life was focused was on another world, and they also knew he thought it best for them to obtain the same focus. Paul's prayer for the saints at Ephesus was enlightening and encouraging. His words, inspired by the Holy Spirit, revealed a life of exploration and discovery. The call of God on the life of the beleiver causes clarity of vision. Our eyes of understanding are healed by the work of the Spirit. When we have cleared vision we are encouraged to focus on all promises in Christ, and to view them as realities deposited into the realm of hope. Believers are also encouraged by Paul's prayer to think often on how much God values their salvation and how His wealth is connected to their redemption. Meditation on such thoughts will certainly move our hearts to worship God, praising Him with gratitude.
Think the thoughts presented in Paul's prayer. Pray Paul's prayer for our current generation of believers. Praise God for the promises you have in Christ and for the fact that He considers your being his child a great treasure.
Knowing Christ should result in growing faith, and a clearer understanding of worship.
INGREDIENTS: A prayer for the saints.Word Study: "hope" is the Gr. root word "elpece" in the text it means a fervent yearning, confident expectation, and patient waiting for the fulfilment of God's promises, a full Christ-centered assurance the promises will be realized (NTC, William Hendricksen).
*ESV- English Standard Version; ETS- Essence of the Text in a Sentence; DTFTD- Devotional Thought For The Day; EDS- Essence of the Devotional in a Sentence.